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Exploring Ancient Legends and Folklore: A Journey of Magic and Mystery.
Beowulf legend; Kelpie and Lucky Cat folklore
Creating Sacred Earth: Exploring an Inspiring Example of Environmental Stewardship
The Muscogee Nation from Oklahoma have been collaborating and working to designate their original homelands in the State of Georgia as a National Park. The change would allow Federal protection in place of state-level protections that have threatened the preserves. The area contains hundreds of known archaeological sites and most important to Native Americans, is the sacred site of the Ocmulgee National Monument.
Decoding Creation and Shadow Symbolism: An In-depth Analysis
In the Neo-platonist perspective, by which Botticelli would’ve lived and been influenced, Venus is symbolic of love. Her beauty is presented in an idealistic fashion to invoke the thought of ideal love within the viewer. It is also said to contain religious symbolism. The religious symbology in Venus is interesting when considering the work of Peter Witkin.
Exploring the Sociological Role of Forest Deities as Guardians
In this essay, the writer explores the sociological role of forest deities as guardians in three separate myths from three different cultures.
Cute Cartoon Frogs and Flower Vases: Free Coloring Pages
Download and print these free coloring pages for kids and adults, perfect for a relaxing afternoon activity!
Free Unicorn and Flower Pattern Sheets
Download and print these beautiful coloring pages to have fun and relax.