Sometimes your phone can get boring and look like everyone else’s. You want to make your phone uniquely yours. Try out this free live wallpaper of a fox silhouette with a sunset as the background. This will be a great way to show off your personal style and make your phone feel like it’s an extension of you. You’ll want to take a look at what other great wallpapers we have for you because we know you’ll find something that fits the mood you’re in!
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Why download this live wallpaper?
This live wallpaper is a great way to make your phone uniquely yours! This fox silhouette with a sunset background has beautiful colors. The animation is subtle as clouds slowly drift across the dreamy sky. Try out this cool live wallpaper today and let us know what you think!
Other free live wallpapers for you to download in the blog
We have a great selection of live wallpapers for you to choose from. You’ll love the fox silhouette with a sunset background, but we also have a variety of free live wallpaper themes that fit any mood. If you’re feeling happy, try the happy Pink Flower Fox. If you want something more active, download our Cosmo Fennec Fox. Whatever your mood or personality is, we have a fox-themed live wallpaper to match it!
Download this free fox wallpaper below!
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Posted: 3/09/2022